Friday 12 December 2014

First Shoot for front cover

This is the first photo shoot I took for my front cover I have used one of these images for my front cover however I am going to change it because the camera I used wasn't the best also my lighting wasn't that good. Some of the pose my model did didn't work for my front cover; when I take another I will use a different camera, arrange the lights differently, change her outfit and change her pose.

I told my modal to stand like this because my original feature story was about her tour being candled because of a pregnancy however I changed this idea because of my target audience and I realised that young girls wouldn't want to know about celebrities being pregnant therefore it would be inappropriate. The lighting in this photo is also really bad.

I picked this dress because I thought it was elegant however I have decided it isn't bright enough there for when I do my shoot again I will change the outfit to something brighter.

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